Gideon Scheepers Memorial

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  • Longitude: 23.164418
  • Latitude: -33.706251
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Gideon Scheepers Memorial

Gideon Scheepers Memorial

On the corner of the De Hoop turnoff on the R339 between the R62 and Uniondale is a memorial to what is rather grandiloquently termed "Gideon Scheepers Last Battle".

This skirmish took place on 19th August 1901 when the commando of Gideon Scheepers, about 270 strong which had been travelling west along the Langkloof, was engaged by the British 10th Hussars who had crossed the hills from Uniondale to intercept them.

In the action which followed the commando split into three sub-units and caught the hussars in dead ground, inflicting several casualties and suffering two wounded itself.

From inside the memorial, looking through the hole in the South wall on can see the site of the engagement.

This was indeed the last action that Scheepers saw. He had to skirt Uniondale, cross the Swartberg and then fell ill so that he and his commando had to part ways after which he was taken prisoner by the British.

Map and Directions to Gideon Scheepers Memorial

GPS : 33° 42' 22.50" S / 23° 9' 51.90" E

From the Langkloof

  • From the R62 take the "R339 Uniondale" turnoff
  • After 2.3 km the Gideon Scheepers memorial is on the right at the corner of the "De Hoop" turnoff.

From Uniondale

  • From Voortrekker Street, the main street, take the "R339 Kynsna turnoff"
  • Go through the poort (gap) and after the road flattens out the Gideon Scheepers memorial is on the left at the corner of the "De Hoop" turnoff.

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